Schengen entry and digital apostille on documents

With the entry into Schengen, the issuing of some documents and their endorsement can be done digitally, and the legalization can be carried out after checking the electronic signature or the QR code applied to the document. This is also an advantage for the authenticity of documents, helping to prevent forgery of public and private documents.

In addition to obtaining online criminal records, tax certificates and company trade register certificates with electronic signature, they can be digitally apostilled to be recognized outside the country. Including the diplomas can be endorsed by the National Center for the Recognition and Equivalence of Diplomas by applying the electronic signature, it is no longer necessary to obtain the certificate of authenticity from the faculty that issued the diploma.

In addition, the digital apostille can be applied to these electronically signed documents, after creating a user account on the Ministry of Justice platform.

Thus, these previously expensive procedures begin to simplify and reduce the stress caused by bureaucracy. In the future, the superlegalization procedure at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will also allow digital access to the superlegalization service.

Traduceri Bihor is at your disposal at any time for the issuance of the apostille, either in physical or digital format, and provides you with guidance in carrying out all the necessary procedures.